5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan): Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

AllHealth CareMedicineNutrition

Amino acid tryptophan releases a substance in the body known as 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan).

This substance is secreted before the production of serotonin neurotransmitters and melatonin hormone.

An African plant, namely Griffonia simplicifoliais, is the natural source of this compound. Just like antidepressants, taking this compound in supplement form can enhance the level of serotonin in the body.

Dosage of 5-HTP

The suitable dose of 5-HTP depends on the gender, age, and medical history of people. Researches show that a dose of 150 to 800 mg is usually recommended to patients with depression for about two to six weeks.

5-HTP uses

There are many uses of 5-HTP such as it is used to treat migraines, helps in weight management, relieves the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

  • It is a dietary supplement, and it is also used to promote the feeling of happiness.
  • It also promotes the overall health of humans.
  • 5-HTP provides you energy and keeps you active for a long time. 

Health Benefits of 5-HTP

There are many health benefits of 5-HTP, such as:

1.     5-HTP for Weight Loss 

5-HTP may stabilize those hormones, which induce hunger by enhancing the feeling of fullness, consequently reducing appetite and weight loss.

2.     5-HTP Helps with Depression

Researches show that disparity in serotonin level may lead to depression by affecting mood. Supplements of 5-HTP are considered as the source of treating depression by increasing the amount of serotonin.

3.     5-HTP supplementation for improving Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

5-HTP supplements are considered as the recovery source of fibromyalgia symptoms by increasing the level of serotonin.

Fibromyalgia is an ailment where people feel general weakness as well as bone and muscular pain.

4.     Reduce Migraine Frequency

It is believed that serotonin reduction may cause migraines, and 5-HTP improves the level of serotonin.

Studies show that supplementing with 5-HTP may reduce the symptoms of migraines which involve distorted vision and nausea accompanied by headache.

5.     5-HTP for Sleep

Supplements of 5-HTP play a vital role in the regulation of sleep by producing serotonin, which later on converts into melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.

The level of this hormone decreases in the morning and increases in the evening.

5-HTP Side Effects

Researches show that taking 5-HTP is harmful to people with Down’s syndrome. Taking supplements of 5-HTP may cause diarrhea, shakiness, and nausea.


5-HTP is produced in the body, which is converted to a neurotransmitter known as serotonin and then to the melatonin hormone.

Supplementing with 5-HTP may increase serotonin production, which resultantly promotes weight loss, improves the symptoms of fibromyalgia, migraines, and depression.

There are some mild disadvantages of this supplement, but they can be reduced by gradually increasing its dosage and taking a proper physician’s advice.

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