Rosehip Oil: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

AllBaby CareHealth Care

Rosehip is extracted from a fruit produced on the rose, and its seed is used for oil production. Rosehip oil is extracted by cold pressing of the fruit on a rose plant known as Rosa canina or Rosa rugosa. The oil is used in the industry of food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical.

Because the seeds are enriched with vitamins, they are incorporated long before being converted to beauty products in food-based products such as jams.

Fatty acids are the key ingredients of rosehip oil. The ingredients provide an anti-inflammatory effect and lock moisture in your skin.

Rosehip oil consists of tretinoin which is an effective anti-ageing and regenerative ingredient, and carotenoid, which acts as an antioxidant that helps fight the harmful UV radiations of the sun.

Uses and Benefits of Rosehip Oil

If there is a combination of vitamin C with rosehip then it provides you amazing benefits such as:

1. Vitamin C with Rosehip for moisturizing the skin

The outermost layer of skin can be damaged by harsh chemicals and pollutants in the environment. This can cause your skin to be itchy and dry; because of this, your skin cannot lock moisture in it.

According to the review in 2018 suggests that rosehip oil and other oils act as natural barriers for repairing the skin.

Rosehip oil is extensively used in baby massage oil due to its richness in fats.

2. Rosehip oil for face

A study carried out in 2015 suggests that rosehip oil is found effective in reducing the appearance of scars and helps to even your skin tone.

The study was conducted with 108 participants that were going through surgery to remove the tumor from their skin. After an operation, some participants applied rose oil to their scars, but some did not.

3. Rosehip oil for eczema

An inflammatory skin disease that might create red itchy spots, chronic dryness, and skin irritation is known as eczema.

Rosehip oil is enriched with antioxidants which help to reduce inflammation. This can help to reduce the severity of eczema if a person uses it together with traditional treatments for eczema.

Rosehip oil may also prevent skin water loss to fight chronic dryness.

4. Rosehip oil for acne skin

Rosehip oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, which means it is unlikely to block pores. For people with oily or acne-prone skin, it is an excellent cleansing oil.

The appearance of acne can be reduced because rosehip oil is formulated with compounds known as retinoids,

Side effects of rosehip oil

The majority of research reports show that rosehip oil is safe and there is a low risk of side effects. But, just like any other ingredient, it can have some allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions might differ. It might be a mild rash to life-threatening anaphylaxis. To avoid the possibility of side effects, add rose oil slowly into your skincare routine.

People with skin irritation should stop using the oil and look for alternative medicines.


Rosehip oil is mild in nature and blends well for the majority of people. For people with eczema or sensitive skin, it is a good option.

Rosehip oil is enriched with antioxidants, which helps the skin to fight the appearance of fine lines and reduces irritation and inflammation in the skin.

In some cases, the use of rosehip oil can lead to skin irritation and allergy. Try adding a small quantity of oil to your everyday routine. To get more information on the use of oil or use of natural remedies, consult a doctor or dermatologist.

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